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Guyana, House-sitting, and 'justice'(?)

Guyana - noch scheint die Sonne, wieder klar
von Blau umrahmt, nach Tagen herbstlicher Frische,
verlängert ist die Saison, feucht und sportlich,
angenehme Fitneß, die verlängern soll Jugend
und Leben.
--------------Und immer noch nicht gesättigt, der Hunger
auf Sonne, Wärme und Unbeschwertheit; exotisch
klingt's für viele Ohren hier und stärker wird das
innere Echo, wie ein Magnet; Anwesenheit von Verwand-
ten, Freunden und Bekannten lädt ein, bringt näher
exotische Ferne, während im hinteren Grunde sich
meldet das lockende Rauschen der Lotterie.
17 Millionen sollen winken, in Florida lachten gar
über 50, die füllen werden das Konto - nur einer
einzigen Person.
---------------------Guyana - wenn hier Winter herrscht,
wenn weiße Teppiche bekleiden das Bad und Eis mit
Wind zusammen-sich-schließt, lächelt die Reise
in sonninge Gefilde, und sogar weiter der Raum
sich öffnet: Auf in die Galaxis, die Instrumente
werden geschickt, Wettererkundung und Satelliten
für Kabel, Träume von unberührterer Natur vermischen
sich mit solchen moderner Wissenschaft, Gegensätze
größerer Dimensionen, als in den meisten Regionen unserer
--------Michigan - in herbstlichen Farben, prachtvoll
im bunten Gefieder, vorm Übergang in Weiß, und heute
noch mit himmlischem Blau und den goldenen Kolben
aus Mais, und fast vergessen schon: die Ausnahme,

die Dürre und Hitze dieses Sommers.

And as to the question what I did all day, I
could have answered "house-sitting" and to the
one invited by that answer, that is for whom, I would
have said : for us of course, for us, for me and any-
body who feels included in the household residing
on the premises.
------And anyone who overheard answers like that, would
let his or her moral and other judgment of contemp-
lation run its course, trample across the meadow of
my personal feelings and choices, except if that person
had risked a southern or eastern exposure through
'travels' in geography or trips across pages of written
and spoken words.
-----And the one who got the answers would embrace
them lightly, let them sink into deeper layers and be
unaware of the impact of its shooting up, when
greeting me alone and - like falling in love with a
habit - repeating it, when others are around and
so it goes, the making of an image, and then
another question should be asked; by me, by the
original 'asker' or, in a way, by the by-standers,
a question like: how come that 'I' developed this
image of me or you and even us, this constellation
of types, of sitting down in the comfortable chair of
an image. Let us stand up from hard surfaces of
uneasy positions and look out for a cosier and
more smiling resting place. House-sitting, in one's own
(or rented) home, a place for contemplation or laziness.

Sun., Oct. 16, '88 -4.00
The absurdity of life in some bars, and in front
of the T.V., a black guy arrested for murder,
having signed a long, long confession, and in between,
some doubts, a recall of Sacco and Vanzetti,
someone "who is poor and black" to quote a lawyer,
well-known, respected and who succeded in having
the first trial being judged a mistrial and in having
a new one declared, after a famous actor - in a
strong contrast to previous roles played - had informed
that guy that he felt he couldn't do it, roll up
the case again, have policemen being proven fudgers
or changers of truth, of appearances,...cause if you've
been sentenced, that is, pronounced guilty by a jury
in one case, everything will have built up, up and
enough, so that, during the next case, it'll be clear,
evident, to all sitting around, on benches, in chairs,
in front of T.V.s and newspapers, cause the air every-
where will have created a distinct image, a painting
detailing that the same accused had done it, and ...
will anybody question the obvious, the common voice
announcing it, like journalists, TV people after a
certain election debate, complaining about the ignorance
of the people out-there, 'elevating' themselves to higher
levels, higher than the un-educated while they're only
following suit, after having created it first, it, the
impression of a clear result,....should one call it a
neglect to educate, to enable to ask questions,... 2 years
in prison, freedom and a party,...and the TV was running
in the background, then center and a commercial,


or should one say, 8 years, 4 more, or does the
morning bell wake up its people, "before they get
what they deserve," a saying, part of 2 different times....
and someone is to have said:
"when there is no justice, there is violence."
Sentenced, wrongly, and life goes on, growing up? -
hardening one's childhood? - Who is really doing what,
choosing and being chosen, ideals with more than
one side.

German-English Dictionary


Klaus Tappe

Klaus Tappe
E-mail: tappe02@hotmail.com