A film series "Germany and Austria--Inside Out."
The films cover a wide variety of topics and times. Two are German films later remade in Hollywood, one is the first film made in Germany after World War II, and another is Stanley Kubrik's film "Eyes Wide Shut," based on the "Dream Novella" by Austrian writer Arthur Schnitzler.
All films are free and open to the public. With one exception, they will be screened in CB 1030. Please feel free to pass this on.
Germany and Austria ”Inside Out" -- Film Series at UM-Dearborn Fall 2007
Oct. 23, 7:00pm (CB 1030)
Anmerkung: dieser Film wird durch einen anderen ersetzt werden - s. unten. The Trapp Family. Director Wolfgang Liebeneiner, Germany, 1956 & 1958, color. 105 min. Dubbed in English. This film, a combined version of the German films "The Trapp Familie" (1956) and "Die Trapp Familie in Amerika" (1958), was produced for an American public. Never gaining the same popularity as the Hollywood version of the Trapp Family's story, it shows us a different more European take on the singing family. Nonetheless, the first of the German Trapp-Family films served in part as the story line for The Sound of Music. The German has been dubbed in English.
Johannes von Moltke, Associate Professor of Film Studies and German Studies, will introduce the film.
Nov. 20, 4:35 (CB 1088)
Shortcut to Istanbul, Dir. Andreas Dresen, Germany, 1990, b/w, 42 min. German
A story about an encounter between a young Turkish guest worker living in West Berlin and an East Berlin girl, a few days after the Wall is opened. Filled with helplessness, insecurity and comedy, this film is a parable about the relationship between East and West Germans, and between Germans and foreigners, as they slowly try to learn to understand each other. Prix Europe 1992, Prize of the Signees of the Oberhausen Manifesto 1991, Grand Prix Poitiers, France 1991. Based on Jurek Becker's short story Romeo. The film will be introduced by Christine Becker, widow of the author Jurek Becker. The discussion will be in German.
Nov. 20, 7:00 (CB 1030)
Jacob the Liar, Dir. Frank Beyer, East Germany,
1974, color, 96 min. German with English subtitles. Jacob invents news stories to bolster the spirits> of the other Jews living in a Polish ghetto under Nazi occupation. The bitter comedy, written by Jurek Becker, is loaded with human quirks and nuances. Nominated for an Oscar for Best Foreign Film in 1977, this film was remade in Hollywood in 1999, starring Robin Williams. The film will be introduced by Christine Becker, widow of the author Jurek Becker .
Nov. 21, 7:00 (CB 1030)
The Murderers are Among Us. Dir. Wolfgang Staudte, Germany, 1946, 81 min. B/W, German with English subtitles. Set in Berlin shortly after the war and the film first film made in Germany after the war, suggests the challenges of coming to terms with the recent past. Through its cast of characters, from Susanne, who returns from a concentration camp, to Hans, who served as a soldier in Eastern Europe and witnessed atrocities, Staudte argues that justice must be done, but not vigilantism. At the end of the film, the viewer is left with numerous questions: to whom must justice be done, how, who are viewed as the victims, and how does the film propose moving on. The film will be introduced by Jacqueline Vansant, Professor of > German, University of Michigan-Dearborn.
Dec. 11, 7:00 (CB 1030)
The Blum Affair
Dir. Erich Engel, Germany, 1948, 105 min. B/W, German with English subtitles.
In detective-story style and based on an actual 1926 court case, this film portrays conservative nationalism prior to Hitler's rule. One of the very few German movies that deal with anti-Semitism before Nazism, this film represents an important historical document.
Egon Schwarz, Rosa May distinguished Professor of the Humanities (emeritus) Washington University, will introduce the film.
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Die Filme "The Trapp> Family" und "Eyes Wide Shut" koennen nicht gezeigt werden - wegen Problemen mit Urheberrechten. Sie werden durch andere Filme ersetzt.
Email: tappe02@hotmail.com