Great Musicians 2011
Francisco Silva - A great Brazilian pianist ("..the piano world's Olympic decathlon") - "..playing all of Beethoven's piano sonatas"
... and other interesting people:
Gabriel Nunez - Pathology, Research, University of Michigan
Rosa Angulo Barroso Associate Professor of Kinesiology, University of Michigan/
More Info
Rainer Benndorf Gerontology, Research UofM
Barbara Böttcher - Office of International Relations, Uni Graz
Steffen Burkhardt - Molecular Biology, Program Coordinator, Universität Göttingen (einst an der UofM - Max-Kade Student)
David Cooper (
Angela Daalmann Landesportbund Niedersachsen (Diss."Fußball und Nationalismus" - über Deutschland, USA, WM 1994 -- Studium Uni Göttingen, USA-Aufenthalt - Ann Arbor, MI)/ ( weitere Kontakt-Info: Tel.: 0511/1268-165,
Gary Davis - Prof. of German, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Paul Devlin Independent film and video producer, UofM graduate, now living in New York City
Glenn Ehrstine, Professor of German, University of Iowa (Faculty listing)
Dr. Heribert Eisele - Researcher, School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Leeds (previously University of Michigan)
Luise von Flotow - Prof. at School of Translation and Interpretation,
University of Ottawa
Anna-Katrin Gramberg - Interim Dean, Chair Dept. of Foreign Languages (Business German)
Dana Holland (also: Conference at Princeton on: INTERNATIONAL INFLUENCE ON NATIONAL INSTITUTIONS
Amy L. Hubbell - Kansas State University (Study trip: 9.The Negritude Movement in Francophone: Dakar, Senegal)
Monika Kimball - Madonna University, Director ESL
Claudia Leite - University of Michigan, Research Associate, Center for Social Epidemiology&Population Health
Rainer Luick Prof. für Natur- und Umweltschutz, Landschaftsmanagement, Limnologie, Fachhochschule Rottenburg (Hochschule für Forstwirtschaft) / Kontakt-info /Mehr Info
Deborah Megivern - Prof. of Social Work, Washington University, St. Louis
Ramon Merino
Stefan Mildenberger - Social Work, St. John, NB, Canada
Alfredo Ricardo Marques de Oliveira - Assistant Dean, Faculty of Law, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada Info
Ramneek Pooni - Faculty of Law, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada Info
Martina Reinhold - Pathology, The University of Texas Health Science Center
Diana Rincon Prof. of Biomedical Engineering, Florida International University / and Mechanical Engineering, FIU
Steven A. Roach Attorney at Miller, Canfield, Paddock, and Stone (Detroit Office)
Roberto Rodriguez/
Personal page - Universidad de La Rioja, Logrono, Spain or: Email
Detlef Sprinz, Ph.d. - Institut für Klimafolgenforschung, Potsdam (Homepage)
and others:
Andrea Fechter - Sangre de Christo Chorale, Santa Fe (B.A. - Language and International Trade, Eastern Michigan University)
Link to other interesting people (at bottom of webpage))
Klaus Tappe
*Private lessons, translations etc.