Suchfunktion: go to "Edit" and you'll see "Find (on This Page)... Ctrl+F" - if you are looking for a specific link/Info on a webpage (wie man auf einer Seite nach Wörtern sucht?)
-->Table - Umlaut-Info (Wikipedia) - WD: How to type accented international characters from the keyboard
German Government: (seine Homepage!)
Wählt Frank-Walter Steinmeier!
(als er einer der Kandidaten war) Der Bundeskanzler, den Deutschland wirklich braucht!
(meine Webpage für "Prickel")
Index2 (Ex-Main entry page)
AATG-MI (Info about the American Association of Teachers of German)
Another Ann Arbor Website
David A. Rives Author of the funny and practical book on how to walk yourself thin - in German as: 'Geh-dich-fit' or under the 'in-title' 'walk dich schlank und fit'
Deutsche Sportler in den USA (NEW!)
EMU Lacrosse (also links to Lacrosse in Germany)
Ethnic groups/Immigration etc (also links to German immigration to the US)
Frauenfußball -----Rund um die Weltmeisterschaft: US-Handbücher mit Tipps zur WM
Fußball Männer - Soccer Men
Frauenhandball (NEW!)
Frenchpage (subpage: Musik)
GAHFI (Info about the German American Heritage Foundation - more connected subpages: Weihnachtsmärkte (z.B. Saline 2005))
- Bilingual jobs/Deutsche Jobs (Old job ads))
German at WSU - German at HFCC - German at LTU
German events - (old 2005 German Consulate Event Calendar)
German-American Business (subpages: Job recruting companies, company lists etc)
German Film
German Music (Links to homepages of German bands etc.)
Germany's ethnic landscape (NEW!!! - check it out)
Graz (Also Austrian Business Info)
Interesting people (more on 'My Info' (bottom of page))
Kritische Artikel/Websites (not avail.)
Kulturelle und andere Nachrichten: Ein neues Nicaragua
Language Help Sites
Minorities with a background in German/ Delbert Mullens People to think about.
My Info
My Swiss corner
Study guide (under construction)
Texte (Meine Texte - My texts (mostly written in the eighties and nineties)
Weihnachten (Lots of links to Christmas markets, songs, lyrics) - Weihnachtslieder on Youtube (Singers, choirs, and bands)
Wirtschaftskurs-Info - EMU's Business German students (SAE trade fair, Cobo Hall, Detroit, MI)
Explore the World of German Cars
German clubs, restaurants, teachers in Michigan (an older extensive list):
German teachers (A-L), clubs*, restaurants (*More links)
German teacher list (M-Z)
Middle School Programs
H.S. German Programs (A-L)
H.S. German Programs (M-Z)
Photo pages:
1) Part I
A street in my hometown
Blomberger Szenen
DaimlerChrysler Workshop Photos Rest of the photos to be added later!
Gahfi Oktoberfest Cruise
German club Photos German club Bakesale Photo (not avail. yet)
German Embassy photos
Graz 2004 Berlin-Reise
Graz-Berlin Ausflug
Graz 2004 photos
Kat's Graz photos
1999+2001 Photos
John and John
EMU's Business German students at the SAE trade fair in Cobo Hall, Detroit, MI