Why German in Michigan?
Click on link for answer! And surf the info below!
Language Classes - Individuals/groups |
Language, Business German, German Business Culture
Klaus Tappe (A.B.D. German, M.A. French, University of Michigan) Former Resident Director, UofM Max-Kade German House - Ex-AATG-MI President - Director of EMU's former Intensive German Language Program, Deutsch in Graz (1996, 1999, 2001, 2004 at DIG - a great Language Program!); member of AATG-Mi, MIWLA; attended Goethe Institute, AATG-Mi, and GAFHI workshops and organized some e.g. at the former DaimlerChrysler company. |
Governor Granholm, Sylvia Vogt (Vice-President for Government Relations at Bosch), and Klaus Tappe (Ex-President AATG-MI) at the DIA during the Governor's Reception - SAE 2004
www.gaccmi.org (MI)
*** www.gaccom.org (Midwest)
(German American Chamber of Commerce)
Germany-USA Career Center
Phoenixcontact in Blomberg: Ein Blomberger Unternehmen mit globaler Präsenz (2004). - Entivity.com Ann Arbor based company acquired by Phoenix Contact
German Consulate General Chicago (Business and Economy Info)
Der Saustall die kleinste Kneipe der Welt!
Heinz Prechter - Looking back at the life of the German born Prechter who was one of Michigan's most successful business people. He came over as a young man and worked his way up. Hard work and good ideas helped him move to the top.
Lembfeld, Marianne
Professional Services:
Consulting, Translations,
Interpreting+representing companies. / Marianne Lembfeld
Listen to sounds in a German Beergarden!
More recent jobs, Ann Arbor, Metro Detroit etc.
**Bilingual Jobs or: More Jobs
www.careerbuilder.com (German, engineering jobs, in Michigan)
Deutsche Yahoo Grüße! : Follow the link to Yahoos Card Service in German. Schickt Euren Freunden und Verwandten Grüße auf Deutsch!
Order German TV - Dishnetwork
Our host Fred Hoffman,
now Germany's Honorary Consul
in Michigan
AATG-Mi Workshop at DaimlerChrysler Plant
Metro Detroit Literary Collective
Sheri Clark Brooks,
Program Director
***Promoting self-publishers & literacy programsTry German! Improve your professional chances! Travel to German speaking countries!
Remember the Soccer World Cup, Summer 2006, Oktoberfest, Karneval, famous Castles, German film, music, politics.
Study Guide (Some suggestions: how to study Foreign Languages)
Exercise help
A GAHFI page (Germ.-Americ. Heritage)
NEW:Ethnic groups in Germany, Immigration, EmigrationList of German Restaurants/teachers in Michigan
My AATG-MI page American Association of Teachers of German, Michigan Chapter
Klaus Tappe
E-mail: tappe02@hotmail.com
French Services (Tutoring/Private lessons)