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German Americana 2015


Why Study German

Klaus Tappe

im Kanzleramt

Irgendwo in Berlin (Berlin-Fotos)

German Government: (seine Homepage!)
Meine Webpage für Frank-Walter Steinmeier!
(meine Webpage für "Prickel")

Germany's biggest New Year's Eve Party: 2014-2015 in Berlin
Fly to Berlin, celebrate Silvester at the Brandenburger Tor - Unter den Linden (site info in German/English)

Latest news /
Upcoming German Events:

Ann Arbor, German Park
Great German Beergarden style event
Dancing, food, beer
(last Sat. in June, July, and August)

Karneval at Carpathia in Sterling Heights
The Detroiter Strauss Ball

German American Chamber of Commerce:
President: Rita Dunker (past)
Administrative Manager: Ingrid Justice (past) (contact)
Chapter website
More info (Adm. Job)

Deutsche Schule Ann Arbor

U-M Residential College
German Program
R. C. German Events
Plays Directed by Janet Shier
Dear UofM fans and RC Deutsches Theater fans.
We need your help to fundraise for our projects.
Follow this
link to help us!

**SAE 2015 World Congress, at Cobo Hall,
Detroit, Michigan (lots of German/German American Companies in attendance)

German Car Models

Past Event at EMU
+ University of Bielefeld:

Recent German History as Literature -
Voices of the people
in the works of
Walter Kempowski
Zu seinem 75. Geburtstag!
Kempowski-Homepage Konferenz-Info
DAAD-INFO German Academic Exchange Service.

Help the RC German Program!
Buy the calendar below!

fundraiser calendar

Michigan Travels, LLC

Michigan Travels is a receptive tour operator for Michigan and the Great Lakes Region.
We offer guided tours, independent tours and day trips for groups and individuals.
All tours and trips can be conducted in English and German.

Please contact: Stefanie Kulpe
Phone: +1 (734) 761-1649
*Reisen durch Michigan und entlang der grossen Seen

Bavarian Festival,
Info: Tel. 989-652-8155

-- Settled in 1845 by German Immigrants from Bavaria, Frankenmuth continues to celebrate its German heritage...from music to audience participation, German bands, come and sing along, Bratwurst, Pretzels, Apple Strudel....the Festival also wants to present the enormous contributions of German Immigrants to North America

Organisation: German-American Heritage Organization.

Vereine: (Fußball usw.) - siehe auch: German Clubs in Michigan and German Corner.

**zum Beispiel:
Alpen Ski Club, Arion, Verein, Austrian Society, Berliner Verein, Carpathia (Sterling Heights/Karvevalsinfo), Detroit Schwaben Unterstützungs Verein, Detroit Swiss Society, Deutsch Amerikanische Schützen (German American Marksmanship Club -- Auburn Hills, MI: info, news, events), Essener Freunde, GACC Table Tennis Club, GBU 276, GBU Saxonia/Rheingold (Mixed Chorus), Germania Club (Brownstown/many additional links), GTEV Edelweiss, Michigan Sänger Bezirk, Schwaben Male Chorus, Transylvanian Saxon, Sport Club 1924 GACC (Fußball), GAAC Ladies Auxiliary, GACC Senior Citizens, Deutsche Bühne, GACC Volkstanz&Trachtengruppe --
in Ann Arbor: GBU Ann Arbor, der Schwaben Unterstützungsverein (Art French), German Park Picnic (or: G.P. Recreation Club)- and more Michigan Clubs: (German Corner List) and all the US states (CAZOO.ORG - German-American Cultural Center)

*German Park (Ann Arbor) major events:

German Park in Ann Arbor

A great German fest (beergarden style)
The last Saturday in June, July, and August
on Pontiac Trail, in German Park.
Directions from Ann Arbor: follow Pontiac Trail
3-4 miles north, you'll see a forest
on your left and hundreds of cars in the fields.
Come before 7, afterwards there are long lines,
but it's worth the wait.
2004 Pictures

Geschäfte mit deutschen Produkten:
Erika's Delikatessen (Kentwood)
Farmer Jack's?
Europe's Fine Food LLC, Andrea&Thomas Thamm (Email), W. Bloomfield, Mi
Hillers (Ann Arbor)
Hirt, Eastern Market (Detroit)
Produce Station (Ann Arbor)
Big Ten Party Store (Ann Arbor), Importing wine from Germany (Dearborn, Mi)

German bakeries across Canada and the US
Aldi Homepage (on webpage, there's a link to an Aldi Locator
- not all new Aldi stores are listed! From Fall 2009, Ann Arbor)
***Aldi in Germany

Deutsche Restaurants:
(Please let me know, if there are more German,
German-American restaurants in the area - always check whether the listed ones are still operating.
Email address at the bottom of the page)

1. Richter's Chalet (closed). Dearborn.
2. German Village. Grand Rapids
2.b) "Die Schnitzelbank" Grand Rapids (closed Febr. 2006, see article)
3. Hermann's European Cafe. (Map). Cadillac.
4. Bavarian Inn. Frankenmuth
5. Harbor Haus (Restaurant - Bed&Breakfast). Copper Harbor
6. Dakota Inn Rathskeller. 6 Mile and JohnR
7. The Heidelberg. Ann Arbor
8. Metzger's. Ann Arbor
9. Heinzman's Heidelberg Map. Clinton Twp..
------(43785 N Gratiot Ave, Clinton Townshhip , MI 48036,
----- ------ Phone: (810) 469-0440; Cuisine: Stteak)
10. Jacoby's German Biergarten. Downtown Detroit.
11. Bavarian Inn. Frankenmuth
12. Freeway Fritz - Bavarian Inn's freeway rest stop.
13. Zehnders Frankenmuth
14. Romanoff's German/American Buffet (Every Friday, 5-9),
5850 Pontiac Trail (corner of Dixboro), Tel. 665-4967.
15. FRANKEN ECK ("an excellent German Restaurant - north of Frankenmuth , owned and operated by a German man. They have the best authentic German cuisine I have ever had in the States (besides from my mother's kitchen) and also serve Warsteiner and Hofbrauhaus beer."(quoting a source)
*The German Restaurant Index for North America contains over 400 pages.

in Frankenmuth
Irgendwo in Michigan

German foodstores (German Corner Info)

German Toys at Greenfield Village

German for Travellers Lots of links (also Language lessons/tapes)

Last Minute German Last-minute-german (Book and CD)

Hostel Detroit
(eine Jugendherberge in Downtown Detroit -
come and explore the city - stay overnight in an inexpensive place!)

Destination Detroit
Destination Detroit (Lots of info for 'new' International Detroiters)

H.S. German teachers in Michigan --- Deutschlehrer
(an den High Schools und Middle Schools in/um Ann Arbor und Jackson und in Michigan allgemein):

(Please let me know, if there are more German teachers in Michigan High Schools, Middle or Elementary Schools. Also: the data change quite often. Simply, check a given school or link, mit may be outdated. If you have updated information, send me an email, address is at the bottom of the page)
Adamski, (Email) - Chippewa Valley H.S.
Adolphs, Janice (Email) - Calumet H.S.
Alholinna, Trudy - Email
Alum, Katie - Detroit Community H.S.
Anderson, Janet - Onaway H.S. (Onaway)
Aro, Kit

Augenstein, Marci (Webpage) - Grand Blanc H.S.
Baker, Mary Jo - Waverly H.S.
Baldwin, David - Novi H.S.
Barner, Janie - Rochester Adams H.S.
Barnes, Julie (Email )- Interlochen Arts Academy
Barnikel, Carolyn
Becker, Laura (Saginaw) - (German Club, Heritage H.S. Saginaw)
Bennink, John (Email)- Clarkston H.S.
Benoit, Jill - ?
Bilen, Mike - L'Anse Creuse H.S
Boehmer, Linda - Heritage Junior H.S. (Sterling Heights)
Bonilla, Lois - Troy H.S. Email
Mr. Bowen - Northwest H.S. (Jackson)
Bowers, Rush
Bradley, Ms. Agnieszka - Riverview, Gabriel Richard
Braum-Brady, Catherine - Ferndale H.S.
Breniser, Nevada (Hamburg Austausch; German Club) - Novi H.S.
Brooks, Jean - Franklin H.S.
Brundige, Lisa (Grosse Pointe Farms - GPSHS) - Brundige, Lisa
Bullock, Ester - Davison H.S.?

Caswell, Maria - Cranbrook-Kingswood School
Catlin, Brigitte (Email) - Troy Athens H.S. (World languages)

Clark, Mary (?)
Clemons, Wendy - Jackson H.S. Or: JHS
Coffmann, Susan - Jeannette Junior H.S. (Sterling Heights)
Cole, Stephanie - Rochester Adams H.S.
Collet, Karen
Cooper, Judy - Alpena H.S.
Crocker, Joanne - Clawson H.S.

Davis, Susan - Manchester H.S.
DeKleine, Jan - Holland Christian H.S.
DeRidder, Joyce - West Ottawa H.S.
DiVitto, Freda -
Doyle, Rebecca - Malow Junior H.S. (Utica)
Drummond, Jill - Marian H.S. (Bloomfield Hills)
Easterly, Sharon (Email< - Michigan Center Junior High School
Ehrhard, Pamela - Kimball H.S. (Royal Oak)
Eising, Michele (Media Specialist - German) - Atlanta H.S.
Ekdahl, James - L'Anse Creuse H.S. North
Elder, Susan - Central H.S. (Bay City, German Club)
Ellis, Sophia - Martin Luther King H.S.
Erdmann, Julie
Esch, Lynda - Morley Stanwood School (Morley-Big Rapids?)
Evely, Brian (Email) - Alpena H.S.
Faulman, Alice - Concord CS, Concord Academy Boyne (Boyne City)
Floyd, Andrew - Okemos H.S.
Flynn, Tessie - Eastpointe H.S.
Frank, Jason - Waterford-Kettering H.S.
Franetovic, Lucija - Thurston H.S. , South Redford
Fruendt, Jennifer - Frankenmuth Senior H.S.
Furnari, Gina (Email) - Avondale H.S. (Auburn Hills)

Gantz, Gloria -? Flint Community Schools (no webpage for schools)
Garbaty, Michael - Rockford H.S.
Gay, Sibylle (?)- Livonia Stevenson H.S.
Gaydos, Tammy - Jeannette Junior H.S. (Sterling Heights)
Gerlica, Sara (email) - South Lyon H.S
Gissel, Aimee - Eisenhower H.S. - (Shelby Township)
Gonzales, Jennifer ((School-Email)/(Email) - Sterling Heights
Goss, Karen J.(Email) - Brighton H.S.
Grimes, Eveline - Norway H.S.Grimes, Eveline
Guinn, Rachael (Email) - Stoney Creek H.S. Rochester

Hahn, Linda - Canton H.S.
Hankinson, Suzanne - Grand Blanc H.S.
Hanson, Nancy - + Rochester H.S.
Harris, Inge -? Lake Shore H.S. (St. Clair Shore)
Harris, Janet (former German teacher at Farmington) - Farmington H.S.
Henry, Carmen - Ann Arbor, Rdolf Steiner H.S.
Henson, Kimberley - Canton H.S.
Hesterberg, Debby - Port Huron H.S.(also at Port Huron Northern?)
Johnson-LeMieux, Lyndsay - Garden City H.S.
Medgyessy (Hoogenboom), Kristen - Walled Lake Western
Hoops, Bettina - Saline H.S.
Horvath, Janine (Email)
Hufnagel, Gail - Huron Valley, Lakeland H.S. (White Lake)
Huisken, Darrel (German/Latin) - Covenant Christian H.S. (SW Grand Rapids)
Hummel, Greg - Flushing H.S.
Hunt, William - Bedford Senior H.S.

Iden, Pamela - Hartland H.S.
Iglhaut, Ursula -? North Branch H.S. (North Branch)
Illian, Friedhelm - Frankenmuth Senior H.S.

Jablonski, Valerie - Redford Union H.S.
Jancek, Jacquelyn - Grand Ledge H.S. - /German Club
Janowiak, Tim -? Port Huron H.S.
Janssen, John - Hudsonville H.S. (Hudsonville)
Erica Johnson - Holt H.S.
Johnson-LeMieux, Lyndsay (Email) - Garden City H.S.
Juntune, Sarah (ret.) - Okemos H.S.
Jurkiewicz, Eugene - Detroit Country Day (Beverly Hills)

Kamerman-Houskamp, Donna - Grand Rapids Christian H.S.
Kammann, Linda - Utica H.S.
Kammeraad, Judy - Northville H.S. (ret.)
Kapitzke, Florina - Traverse City West Junior High
Kettler, Marilyn - Clarkston H.S.
Kistler, Andrea - Gladwin H.S.
Kleine, Rachael - Lutheran High North (Macomb)
Klemm, Christine - Lutheran High Northwest
Kloosterman, Gordana (Anna) - Battle Creek Central H.S. (Staff list) -
Kohler, Joanne R. - Michigan Lutheran Seminary (Saginaw)
Kraft, Jeffrey - Bemis Junior H.S. (Sterling Heights)
Krynski, Agnes - Howell H.S.
Kucharski, Helga - Churchill H.S.(Livonia)
Kuipers, Jen - South Cristian H.S. (Grand Rapids)
Kuzych Howard, Marie - East Lansing H.S.
Kynast, Rich - Huron Valley, Milford H.S. (German Club)
LaBonte, Kerry - Traverse City West Sr. H.S. - LaBonte, Kerry
Lamb, Jennifer Math/German (Email) - Romeo H.S.
Landvoy, Renee -? Traverse City West Senior H.S. (Staff list)
Langness, Earl - Ishpeming H.S. (Staff)
Lederer, Robert - Pioneer H.S.
Lee-Daugherty, Susan - Davis Junior H.S. (Sterling Heights)
Lelko, Mr. - L'Anse Creuse H.S. (Harrison Township)
Lender, John - Dearborn H.S.
Leverenz, Ingrid - Watervliet H.S. (under constr.)
Lewis, Jim - Walled Lake Central
Lienau, Jane (former German teacher) - Lutheran H.S. Westland (English, German)
Loftus, Patrick - E. Detroit H.S.
Lopez, Greg (Email; German Club)
Lochinger, Jim - Taylor, Truman H.S.
Lopez, Greg (Email; German Club) - Midland H.S.
Lubs, Brian (School)- Plymouth Christian Academy (Canton)

*Michigan Job Listings
German Materials Link (CMU)

German Teachers in Michigan:

H.S.Teachers (M-Z)/ M.S.

M.S. Programs

H.S. List (A-L):

H.S. List 2 (M-Z)

Main page

French in Michigan

German American Business Companies/Jobs/Education

(Germ.-Americ. Heritage)
NEW:Ethnic groups in Germany, Immigration, Emigration

Minorities with
a background in German

Germany's ethnic landscape (NEW!!! - check it out)

My AATG-MI page (American Association of Teachers of German, Michigan Chapter)

German Studies
at Wayne State University
Come to Detroit!

'My Info'

Klaus Tappe

Use Google to search the internet!

Klaus Tappe
German Language Consultant
*Private lessons (Indiv./groups),
translations, tutoring (Website)