German Jobs/Companies in Michigan
Our host Fred Hoffman,
now Germany's Honorary Consul
in Michigan
Why German in Michigan?
Click on link for answer! And surf the info below!
Bluecard - Die blaue Karte (Wikipedia) or: Bluecardeurope
Careers & Internships with German Companies
(even for those who do not speak German yet - an event at the University of Michigan, Oct. 4, 2011)
Fred Hoffman,
Honorary Consul for the Federal Republic of Germany for the State of Michigan,
during the official opening of his new office, Dec. 8, 2011
at Clark Hill PLC, 500 Woodward, Suite 3500
Deutsche Schulen im Ausland (German schools abroad: listings)
Fred Hoffman,
with Mark Ferguson and Klaus Tappe from Wayne State University
- picture taken in Mr. Hoffman's new office, Dec. 8, 2011 2015 (Mediathek - the latest trends in industry, short videos of the Trade Fair)
Vize-Kanzler zu Gast bei Phoenix Contact (Germany's Vice-Chancellor visiting one of the biggest booths, the one of Phoenix Contact)
Phoenix Contact wächst und benennt zwei Tochterfirmen um (Ostwestfalen Global - November 2014)
Mercedes-Benz Research & Development North-America Inc. (Ann Arbor)
VWs Werk in Tennessee
Good Business News for Michigan:
Governor Snyder ( German Government:
German Companies in the Midwest (by 'The right place - Advancing the West Michigan economy'- a PDF file)
1) Eberspaecher "a major German-owned automotive supplier" wants to expand...(June 6, 2008)
2) Carl Zeiss Headquarters in the Brighton area
3) MS Plastic Welders and MS Automotive are both part of the Maschinenfabrik Spaichingen (Spaichingen, Germany). MS Automotive will build a new manufacturing plant in Michigan.
Mercedes expanding A2 tech center
(The Ann Arbor News, February 02, 2008)
40 Jahre McDonald's in Deutschland
(Yahoo Deutschland Lifestyle)
– Fotoserie mit Fakten über McDonalds in Deutschland
The German government - Die deutschen Minister (Government website)
Weekly German Business News (German Embassy Info) (seine Homepage!)
Frank-Walter Steinmeier!
"VW's all-season convertible" --
"Pick-ups haben Imageproblem in Deutschland"
Weihnachten in Deutschland (A wealth of info)
Germany's biggest Annual New Year's Eve Party: in Berlin
Fly to Berlin, celebrate Silvester at the Brandenburger Tor - Unter den Linden
(site info in German/English)
Useful info, for German Students studying in the US
Hannover Messe/Fair 2015, "the world's leading showcase for industrial technology" German Unity Day in Oct. |
***Thüringen Special Network Reception&Executive Dinner
German American Chamber of Commerce (Mi-Chapter) |
Governor Granholm, Sylvia Vogt (Vice-President for Government Relations at Bosch),
and Klaus Tappe (Ex-President AATG-MI, Lecturer at Wayne State)
at the DIA during the Governor's Reception - SAE 2004
Governor Granholm visiting the SAE, April 2006
German-American Cooperation - Article about Governor Granholm's visit in Germany
"Germany is Michigan’s largest European trade partner with trade between the two countries resulting in about $2.5 trillion each year. German companies contribute an estimated $31 billion to Michigan’s economy annually, employing some 172,000 Michigan workers."
"Some 610 Michigan companies are German-owned or have at least 50 percent German ownership. These companies represent a wide range of industry sectors, including manufacturing, retail and banking."
German Companies in Michigan: At this Website, you find info about more than 100 German companies in Michigan. Pass this info on to your H.S. principals, counselors, parents, students, and the community.
German Companies in Oakland County (Products / Top Foreign Investment-Countries / Automation Alley: Company database.) / and in Washtenaw (Washtenaw Develop. Council)
Job Recruiter Companies in Michigan and other states: Contact Recruiters, specialized in German language jobs (deutschsprachige Stellen).
*e.g. Troy, Michigan, based McShane Recruiting Associates, LLC
Global Synergies.Global Synergies, President Franz Neumeyer
(Cross-Cultural Executive Coach)
Global Transitions.Global Transitions, Sarah Hoefflin
(Business English and Accent Coach)
Germany's 'National Job Agency'. Das deutsche Arbeitsamt. of German banks
IT Business Info!
: Job related info in the IT business:
Mostly in German, some info in English!
Germany-USA Career Center
Phoenixcontact in Blomberg: Ein Blomberger Unternehmen mit globaler Präsenz (2004). - Ann Arbor based company acquired by Phoenix Contact - Video: Interview with the CEO
German Consulate General Chicago (Business and Economy Info)
***University of Michigan-Dearborn (on the importance of the German language in Michigan):
"German is a key business language in the European Union and in the rapidly growing markets of Central and Eastern Europe... In 1994, 159 German companies located in Michigan made $3,038,500,000 in annual sales and employed 30,905. The majority of these firms are located in the Detroit metropolitan area.
In a 1994 survey conducted by the German-American chamber of commerce, 65% of all respondents stated they were looking specifically for German/English bilingual skills when hiring new employees."
Die EU |
Einen Guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr!!! |
Check them out! |
*Older, but still interesting articles on US-German Business and Industrial Cooperation:
"US: German fan and motor maker (Ebm-Papst)opens Detroit office" (EPAD USA) (Jan. 25, 2007)
"Audi adjusts to American Way" (Nov. 16, 2006)
"German firm adds 375 jobs in Plymouth Township" - Karmann USA (Wednesday, October 18, 2006)
"German firm expanding in Brighton" - Eberspaecher North America (Friday, November 11, 2005)
Checking out the Machines Behind Book Digitization (Febr. 21, 2006: DigitalBooks, Switzerland,)
DaimlerChrysler wants GM's UAW concessions (Friday, April 21, 2006, (News for Entrepreneurs&Small Business: SAE News: FEV Shows New Products At Society of Autmotive Engineers Congress)
Flint Ink deal closes with German buyer (Oct. 10, 2005)
Familienunternehmen in Deutschland stark
Drei Firmen aus OWL unter Europas Top 50
Growth in the American Southeast Wachstumslok dampft im Südosten
IHK-Unternehmerreise in die USA / Benteler plant Werk in South Carolina
August 24, 2005 — German automotive supplier Kunststoff-Technik Scherer & Trier GmbH has opened a 2,900-square-meter U.S. plant in Saline/
Auto supplier's growth on track (Aug. 24, 2006)
German parts maker Dr. Schneider coming to Brighton,MI (05/13/2005)
*More articles
Heinz Prechter - Looking back at the life of the German born Prechter who was one of Michigan's most successful business people. He came over as a young man and worked his way up. Hard work and good ideas helped him move to the top.
![]() Computer und Deutsch - |
Go to Deutsche Jobs. |
Freelance Writer-Photographer: Cornelia Schaible (Tel. 248-722-2298)/ (Bilder von Detroit; Artikel über Detroit/ Blog: Motown Blues (Notizen zu Themen rund um Detroit) Kemnitz, Christiane |
Masco Corp. |
A beautiful Fall in Michigan! |
Masco Corp. |
IBA 2001 dinner for success photos |
*Graduates in German **Bilingual Jobs or: More Jobs |
German Embassy Photos. |
Over the past few years, the International Business Student Association hosted the Annual "Going Global Conferences"
at the Eagle Crest Conference Center in Ypsilanti.Topics for conference panels included:
* Current economic conditions in different regions of the World (EU, Asia [including China, India, and Southeast Asia], South America, Middle East)
* Global Trends in Finance, Accounting, Marketing, CIS, Management, Supply Chain, and Global Trade.
* Educational requirements and trends in International Business.
***The IBA at EMU celebrated its 4th Annual Dinner to Success (a reception/dinner) on Saturday, November 22, 2003, at the Marriott Resort Hotel in Ypsilanti, Michigan. The event provided students, university staff as well as professionals interested or involved in international business the opportunity to share ideas and experiences, and the venue to network and meet new or old friends. Many guests were former students of EMU's international business language program. Several guests gave short presentations about their experiences and current positions. Afterwards, students, professionals, and faculty were able to mingle and chat.
Könnt ihr kochen? Backen? Pizza? Es ist gut, kochen zu lernen... und kalkulieren, programmieren, denken!
Hallo Leute! |
Heller Machine Tools |
Deutsche Firma sucht HR Direktor(in)
... |
Culture related topics:
Weihnachtsmarkt in Saline, MI
GAHFI Webpage |
Deutsch-Amerikanische Wochenpost German at Wayne State.
**Pick one of many interesting combinations: |
Past Event at EMU:
Eine Erfolgsgeschichte: D.W.Mullens |
Kommt und lernt Deutsch in Michigan! WSU - Eine Pendleruni - viele Studenten arbeiten und belegen Kurse hier.*** |
Um gut zu lernen, um genug Energie dafür zu haben und um Spaß zu haben, braucht man genügend Schlaf! |
Die Schulen und andere Spezialisten für German Business Culture usw. müssen ihr Spezialwissen stärker bekannt machen. Abendessen in einem deutschen Restaurant: Dakota Inn Ratskeller (6 Mile and John R) statt. |
Wolfgang Ischinger,
damals deutscher Botschafter in den USA,
Carla Damiano, Germanistik Professorin
bei EMU
und Klaus Tappe, Ex-Präsident, AATG-MI
Karneval at Carpathia Hall in Sterling Heights, Jan./Febr. |
Die Schweiz. Switzerland Info! Die politischen Institutionen |
Paulaner: |
Info aus Deutschland:
Doch keine Freizeit-Weltmeister, Deutsche arbeiten länger als gedacht
Deutsche Yahoo Grüße! : Follow the link to Yahoos Card Service in German. Schickt Euren Freunden und Verwandten Grüße auf Deutsch!
***A 'new' line of jobs: American athletes working in Germany/Europe and Germans in the US - Deutsche Profi-Sportler in den USA***
Deutsch an der Jackson H.S.
One of the five largest and most successful German Programs in the country!Learn German for your professional career
A GAHFI page (Germ.-Americ. Heritage)
NEW:Ethnic groups in Germany, Immigration, EmigrationList of German Restaurants/teachers in Michigan
My AATG-MI page American Association of Teachers of German, Michigan Chapter
German Studies
at Wayne State University Come to Detroit!
Klaus Tappe
German Language Consultant
*Private lessons (Indiv./groups),
translations, tutoring (Website)