This is a webpage with info about GAHFI, the
German-American Heritage Foundation International.
The Foundation endeavors to contribute, in a unique way, to the
preservation and development of German American culture.
20278 Old Homestead Dr., Harper Woods, MI 48225
Tel. (313) 886-5065 / Fax (313) 886-5993
President: Margaret Strobel-Donofrio
(here with Germaine Strobel)
Chair, Council of Advisors: Dr. Guy Stern
Past Director for Educational Programs:Maria Schneider
We are Germany - The DW campaign for diversity and tolerance
August 2007: ***Cincinatti claims World's largest chicken dance (yahoo: Oktoberfest) German Consulate Event Calendar (2005) ***Coverage of the Schuetzenfest in Blomberg (Short Video: June+July)
Euro (2008) -
Fußball in Australien - ein Lagebericht - Soccer Men - Fußball Männer - Women's soccer
Steinmeier, der deutsche Außenminister,
unterwegs in Kalifornien -
Steinmeier trifft Schwarzenegger
(check for the kind of events that might take place in the years to come)
Germany, Summer 2006:
World Cup in Germany
Governor Granholm visiting the SAE, April 2006
Last STAMMTISCH: First Friday of the month: at 4 PM at the Dakota Inn: Come and enjoy the tasty Kartoffelpfannkuchen (also known as Kartoffelpuffer). |
Nordamerikanische Wochenpost (also click on their list of Clubs/Vereine) |
German Government: (seine Homepage!)
Frank-Walter Steinmeier!
(meine Webpage für "Prickel")
Stilles Kraftpaket (Aussenminister Steinmeier im Portrait - 17.8.'06)
Steinmeier nächste Woche in Washington und New York (week after Thanksgiving)
--Wikipedia-Artikel --
Up-to-date Info on German Politics,
***Deutsche Welle in English
Celebrating German Heritage in America Today
Ethnic groups in Germany, Immigration, Emigration
*Offizielle Tourismus Webseite von New York |
Kerry besucht Schröder |
**SAE 2015 World Congress at Cobo Center, Detroit, Michigan Deutsches Bier in Argentinien |
*GAHFI's wonderful 2004 |
Die Tageschau More German Americana - German Teachers in Michigan (H.S.+M.S.) - (not up-dated in a while)
Uwe Kind an der Dondero H.S. - organisiert von Monty Weathers (2004). ***DaimlerChrysler (*old): IN the past, programs were organized with DaimlerChrysler's Coordinator for Education Programs. |
Mit Uwe Kind im Dakota Inn (Nov.2002), nach dem tollen Konzert an der Dondero H.S. in Royal Oak
AATG-MI + MIWLA Conference.
**Münchner Oktoberfest
Watch ESPN Deportes or Univision coverage! |
***Zum Muttertag elektronische Karten! Allerdings ist's oft besser, ein nettes Stündchen mit den Müttern zu verbringen oder regelmäßig etwas Gutes für sie zu tun:
Next STAMMTISCH: First Friday of the month, at 4 PM at the Dakota Inn: Come and enjoy the tasty Kartoffelpfannkuchen (also known as Kartoffelpuffer).
"So feiert man heute Halloween" |
AATG-MI Business Fall Meeting in Lansing ***Photos from the reception that the German Embassy organized for AATG at the Embassy House during the 2001 ACTFL Conference in Washington, D.C.: German Embassy Photos |
GAHFI-history: The 6th and last Annual International German-American Bookfair/Conference "Detroit 300"-Wayne State University-November, 2001
Go to 2001 Conference Program. |
***German-speakers in Australia from 1788 to the Present
Nachdenken, denken, Probleme heute: "Feldzug gegen die Schwachen"
- Der Sozialethiker Friedrich Hengsbach über
Verteilung des Reichtums und das, was Arbeit schafft
"Aufschrei der gequälten SPD-Seele" (FR-Artikel)
History of GAHFI Events:
Newsflash - Newsflash - Newsflash
Barbara Weidendorf hosted her annual German Quizbowl at West Bloomfield High School (2005) A fun and culturally challenging event for our German students.Das GOETHE HAUS MICHIGAN fördert deutsche Kultur
Gründung des GOETHE HAUS MICHIGAN (Jan. 2003) zur Förderung der deutschen Sprache und Kultur in Michigan. Dieser gemeinnützige Verein bringt in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Goethe Institut / InterNationes Chicago und dem International Center in Bloomfield kulturelle Veranstaltungen nach Metro Detroit.
Adresse: Goethe Haus Michigan, 1020 E. Square Lake Rd, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304-1957, Tel. 248-539-0207 or 248-952-0818, e-mail: Jutta Bergfeld
Webseite des Goethe Instituts Chicago für Deutschlehrer (-->'Kulturprogramme'): Meininger Puppentheater Südthüringisches Staatstheater (Englisch+Deutsch).***Der gemischte deutsch-amerikanische Chor namens GBU-Saxonia-Rheingold
(2003 80 Jahre alt) sucht in der Detroiter Umgebung nette Stimmen. Bei Interesse: 248-375-1954: Willibald H. Ihlenburg (248-375-1954))Events in 2001: CHANNEL 56 PLEDGE NIGHT NEEDS YOU! March+Dec. 2001: GAHFI associates helped WTVS/56. Highlight: the Detroit premier broadcast of the PBS documentary "The German Americans" *incl. interviews with Germaine Strobel (wife of the late Eugene C. Strobel, GAHFI president), Gene's sister Margie, and Stephan Koller. GAHFI Pledge Session for PBS
. (Photos and more Info)In 2001, GAHFI, the German American Heritage Foundation International, organized its sixth aand last annual Fall Conference, the German American Heritage Conference and Book Fair. As one of his last major projects, the late Gene Strobel was able to host authors Mort Crim & Hans Juergen Massaquoi. The theme of the Bookfair & Conference was "Detroit 300." In keeping with this theme, the city's best known and most respected TV news anchor (WDIV/4), Mort Crim, received the Foundation's Walter Reuter Award. Crim, whose original family name was Grimm, maintains his vast popularity with his nationally syndicated "Second Thoughts" broadcasts heard daily on WWJ radio, many best-selling books and twice-weekly Detroit Free Press column.
Also honored at the event (Nov. 1-3) at Wayne State University was Hans Juergen Massaquoi Sr. of New Orleans, LA. Massaquoi' Destined to Witness: Growing Up Black in Nazi Germany is a best-selling book in the Federal Republic, and its English version received critical acclaim in the U.S.A. He received GAHFI's Carl Schurz Award. His son, Hans Juergen Jr., a downtown Detroit attorney, is active in the Foundation. He introduced his father and read from the book.
: To further celebrate the Motor City's tricentennial, the activities and exhibits included an evening banquet. On that occasion, GAHFI also paid tribute to the late industrialist and civic leader, Heinz Prechter.The event on the campus of Wayne State University attracted over 300 high school and college students and faculty in addition to members of the general public.
About GAHFI: Germans comprise one of the largest ethnic minorities in our country. The Organization called German American Heritage Foundation International or GAHFI for short has done a tremendous job highlighting positive images of German culture and achievement throughout the country and especially in our state and our southeast corner of it.
Detroit 300 |
Germania in DETROIT - e.g. St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church. The interesting GAHFI-Tour of Detroit our wonderful Gene Strobel used to conduct: GAHFI-Tour of Detroit. |
A great event! |
Besuchen Sie den Weihnachtsmarkt in Chicago!
The Christkindlmarket |
Pictures of the |
*Stammtisch im Dakota Inn: Lehrer aus Detroit und Umgebung treffen sich einmal im Monat in dem deutschen Restaurant. Der nächste Stammtisch findet am ....('tba') statt.
**Past events: Lehrerstammtisch in Ann Arbor: alle 4-5 Wochen Stammtisch. Zum Essen, auf ein Bier und um wichtige Informationen (das Netzwerk, Goethe-Projekte, Gahfi-Veranstaltungen usw., Ideen und Aufrufe um Unterstützung von Schulen, bzw. Lehrern) zu besprechen.
***German Professional Women's Association (GPWA) - Stammtisch in Detroit - A NETWORKING CLUB FOR GERMAN SPEAKING PROFESSIONAL WOMEN: Info - Christina Griesser: oder Telefon/Fax (248) 393-2124.**
German Club in Chelsea (März 2003), ca. 20 Mitglieder. Treffen ist sonnabends (2003) in der Wolverine Bar (Ecke: W. Old US 12 + M-52, neben der Speedway Tankstelle in Chelsea). Mehr Info : Edith (734) 475-1583
*Meldet euch bei Klaus Tappe, um weitere Stammtische hier bekannt zu machen.
A List of German Websites:
- IMG SRC="" ALIGN="left" HSPACE="8" VSPACE="4"> AATG Homepage American Association of Teachers of German (AATG).
Bureau of Consular Affairs State Department, Bureau of Consular Affairs.
German Embassy/German Information Center Germany Online. Official site for info about the German Embassy in the US, German Consulates, and the German Information Center (lots of info on Germany)!
German Consular Offices in the US -- Fall/Winter 1999: A detailed list of German Consular Offices in the US, up to 1999.
Beide sind in Lippe geboren.
Wer ist wer? Wer macht was? 2002
F.W. Steinmeier, Ex-Chef des Bundeskanzleramts, jetziger Außenminister, und wieder 2014 Information about German Foreign Minister who went to school in Blomberg. More info:
Deutsche Welle Watch German TV on the Internet or Surf for info about Satellite and shortwave radio programs in German, English, and Spanish. Watch it on the Internet!
German News. German news in German and English.
German Email Search. A German Email Search Site.
The German Yahoo
CMA (=Centrale Marketing-Gesellschaft der deutschen Agrarwirtschaft mbH)/(email: (posters+decorations for Oktoberfests and lots of info about German food.
History of the Max Kade German Residence at the University of Michigan: 1985-87 - Klaus Tappe; 1987-1988 Aminia Brueggemann; 1988-89 - Charlotte Droll; 1990-91 - Claudia Obermueller; 1991-94 ... - UofM Website. Please support these or similar institutions and efforts to create and strengthen them.
The German American Corner A site with lots of German American info.
The German American Corner Webring You connect to a site with many additional lists of Webpages containing info about German American 'slices of life'.
The German American Steuben Parade
The Rathskeller in Indianapolis.
Deutsche Sprachschule Bloomfield. Homepage.
German Language Center (Bloomfield Hills). (for Kids: 3-6 years old) Sanne Krummel's Homepage for her business teaching preschool through elementary school aged children in Ann Arbor, Mi.
Deutsche Schule New York. Homepage.
German-American Travel Favorites e.g. Frankenmuth, German Life Article
Treffpunkt Detroit. Aktivitäten für deutschsprachige Expats (Email).
Concordia Language Villages: "Host to Elderhostels, teacher training sessions, ethnic art workshops, church groups, school groups and many others" - "Nestled in the pines and birches of the northwoods just outside of Bemidji, Minn., the four villages.... Modeled after the architectural styles of Finland, France, Germany, and Norway, the quaint enclaves of Concordia Language Villages provide the perfect meeting place for people of all ages."
"Each village of Concordia Language Villages replicates a world culture." For example: "the Gasthof of Waldsee, the German Language Village. This traditional German architectural style (Fachwerk or half-beam) is typical of many buildings in Germany, and throughout Waldsee. Seating capacity: 180.
Fussballbundesliga Live: Homepage of the German Soccer Federation. On Saturday mornings, from 9.30 A.M. till 11.15, you can listen live to German Soccer Games. (Try Microsoft Internet Explorer) or go to: Deutsche Welle-Bundesliga Jeden Samstag: Click on 'D-W Radio live'
*Links to a few beautiful cities and regions in Germany:
Schützenfeste finden im Sommer überall in Norddeutschland (Nordrhein-Westfalen, Niedersachsen) statt, in großen und kleinen Städten, wo das Feiern am meisten Spaß macht:
- HOTEL BURG BLOMBERG: ÜBERNACHTEN SIE in der Blomberger Burg. Ein neues altes Gefühl! Webseite des Burghotels in Blomberg. If you want to spend a night in the castle of Blomberg, contact them directly by email.
- Lippe Detmold: The hometown of Hermann, the 'Cherusker' and of the famous authors Grabbe and Freiligrath!
- Freiburg Die deutsche Stadt mit den meisten Sonnenstunden
- Göttingen Eine der schönsten deutschen Uni-Städte
- Quedlinburg Welterbe-UNESCO
- Rothenburg (ob der Tauber)/ Webcamera
- Westphalia, Michigan ()
Return to Table of Contents
Bilingual Jobs/Services Deutsche Jobs. Professional Services: Consulting, Translations, Interpreting: Lembfeld, Marianne Looking for additional: Translators Freelance Writer-Photographer: Cornelia Schaible (Tel. 248-722-2298)/Email:
German American Chamber of Commerce: Return to Table of Contents
Use Google to search the internet! Klaus Tappe Contact: Marge Strobel, Maria Schneider *** Klaus Tappe German Language Consultant *Private lessons (indiv./groups - Language at all levels, Business German), Tutoring, translations, voice over etc. (Website) Join GAHFI! Organizer in years past: Germaine Strobel (More Info on Octoberfest-Cruise) |