Summer 2004 Graz-Pictures - Mehr Graz Fotos - Berlin Photos - Mehr Berlin Fotos
The latest 2004 info about this year's Graz-Program. Nearly all of the students stayed in a residence hall: most in the Ghega-Gasse 9-19, some in the Wienerstrasse 58a. To see the location, click on the following link and then on the interactive 'Stadtplan', type in the address! If you would like to look at the course location: 'Pestalozzistrasse 17' (at the Grazbachgasse) and the DIG Office: 'Kalchberggasse 10'. Wohnheim Wienerstrasse (Kulturelle Info)
On Sunday July 11 at 8 PM, we met downtown, on a bench at the Eiserne Tor (a fountain at the beginning of the pedestrian zone (Fussgängerzone) 50 yards from the Jakominiplatz (all the buses and streetcars depart from there), and then went to the Irish Pub, a popular place among the Grazer, am Randes des Bermuda-Dreiecks.
Some of the highlights (Graz-Pictures) this summer included a tour of the university given by Barbara Schwab, a former teaching assistant at EMU, and by her father who is in charge of the library. The next event was a tour of Schencker, a shipping company in Graz that exports goods from DaimlerChrysler (Michigan) to MagnaSteyr, Steiermark. This visit was conducted by EMU Alumni Rachael Arney, a graduate from EMU's German Program who is now working for Schencker. To top off this insightful journey into the international/golbal business world, we were able to arrange a great tour of the Magna Drivetrain plant near Graz (pictures to follow!). Mr. Gert Weixler, the manager for Production/Productivity (after previous stints in Mexico and Atlanta), provided us with a humorous headphone-voiced, informative plant experience.
No to forget, visits to a soccer game by Sturm Graz (playing in the Austrian Bundesliga), to Vienna, and even Official and Unofficial Berlin (to take a look at Berlin pictures follow the link Summer 2004 Photos), as well as local wine tasting places. We got a taste of the wonderful Austrian Cuisine at lunch or dinner time, of the free International Graz Jazz Summer Concerts, right next to the Mur, a wonderful relative of Ypsilanti's Huron river.
Graz 2004 |
GRAZ 2001: |
von Manuela Brunner. | Check it out!!! |
Read Stefanie Anderson's article
about the Chicago Christkindlmarket
Programs Abroad:
Obligatory Orientation Meeting
at Programs Abroad!
Sat. April 3, from 10-1
Liebe Deutschstudenten,
Let a dream come true! Let's go to Austria
this summer for six weeks and earn six EMU German credits and have fun.
On weekends, you can travel around Europe!
July 12- August 20, 2004
Here's the plan:
1)Visit the EMU Study abroad web-site:
(download application forms right from the weblink below)
2)Visit the study abroad fairs at McKinney at EMU
3)Come to the Graz-Meetings: next meeting 'tba' (room will be posted on German bulletin board). For more info regarding financial aid: talk to students who were in Graz last year about how to come up with the money!
4) Fill out application: dead line: still accepting applicants, so contact Klaus Tappe or Programs Abroad, if you are interested in going
5) Talk to Financial Aid (they have a form on record for Graz students). Contact me, if you have any questions. Servus, Klaus
***Ideas for raising money, besides getting financial aid/ taking out a loan: sell pizza (make arrangements with a pizza chain) to family, friends,... or cookies; contact an Austrian or other company whether they might be interested in sponsoring you (any amount is good, will add up to help you reach your goal); ask around in your church whether people might be willing to help you a little bit; look for different types of scholarship* at the university, in the community, in professional organizations (Rotary, Women in Business,....).*Scholarships: John Hubbard Scholarship, Möller Scholarship (More Info will come soon)
Study Abroad |
***German Film - check out Yahoo's links: |
Kommt mit nach Graz: Sommer 2004. Fußball mit Sturm Graz. |
Euro 2004 |
Graz 2004 |
Kommt | Fliegt nach Europa, |
* Come to Graz with us: contact the Foreign Language Department at EMU, if you are interested. * And pass the word to your friends, roommates, housemates, and others!!! If you have friends at other universities who are interested in coming along, tell them to contact us or Programs Abroad!
Previous programs:In the summer, students from EMU go over to Graz, Austria, to Austria's second largest city, with its many cafes, pubs etc, a great city. You can look at the pictures on our website. After an initial get-together in Graz on Sunday evenings, DIG-Courses begin on Mondays and last 6 weeks. Sunday evenings, we usually meet at the Fountain at the Eiserne Tor, and then go to a local restaurant, e.g. Restaurant Gösser Bräu, where Deutsch in Graz reserves a table for us.
*Take a look at the Graz pictures on these websites: The city of Graz.
or EMU in Graz.
Lernt |
Deutsch |
in Graz! |
*Take German courses in Graz, Austria and get EMU-credit (6-9 credit hrs). *It's great to start learning German in a German speaking country, so no matter what German level you are at - beginners or Intermediate etc. - you can participate, and it's so much more fun to learn the language in the country. If you have never taken any German courses, it's a wonderful way to get into the language and enjoy the many things Austria has to offer or travel to Germany (München: Hofbräuhaus etc) or Switzerland or even Prag. If you would like to find out more about the program, look at the web-addresses!
Preparing for a Study Abroad Program. Participate in the Orientation Workshop. and: Coming Home after Studies Abroad"For students studying abroad, shock is often greater coming back"
Deutsch in Graz: EMU's Study Abroad Program Deutsch in Graz.
Deutsch in Graz: Homepage of the Austrian Institute: Deutsch in Graz.
Graz: tourist information.
Graz: City of Graz.
Graz Websites: additional Graz web sites.
Kleine Zeitung: Homepage of the Grazer Tageszeitung.
Mosaik: Homepage of Mosaik,a limited partnership whose goal is the "Betreuung, Förderung und Beratung behinderter Menschen." oder auf Deutsch: Mosaik---(In Deutschland:
Consular Information: Homepage of the State Department.
The Official Austrian Website in the US (Info on the Embassy, Consulates and much more)
Excite Travel: Homepage.
Lufthansa: the German Airline .
Deutsche BA (British Airways): Homepage.
Surf their website and learn lots of phrases and vocabulary in German..
Austrian Airlines: Homepage - tickets also at:
Travelcharter: Homepage.
Lowest Fare: info about low fares.
Travelocity: Homepage of Travelocity.
Deutsche Bundesbahn: Homepage of German Railroad (Info on all the trains, schedules etc.).
Languages for Travel: Foreign Languages for travel purposes.
German-English Dictionary: access LEO.
THE EMU Library: Eastern Michigan University.
Detroit Regional Chamber: The Chamber regularly hosts World Trade Week or click on:
United States/Austrian Chamber of Commerce
AVL North America Inc. (Pymouth, Michigan)
AVL List GmbH Graz (Headquarters)
Austrian Trade Commissions (Austrian Subsidiaries&Reps in the US - Alphabetical Index)
Liste österreichischer Firmen: Partial list of Austrian companies in Austria. (in Michigan)
Hallo Leute! |
****Old ads to give you ideas for potential jobs!!!
Bei |
*Weitere Informationen - Herrn .......
Chief Executive Officer, General Manager |
..... |
Travel and Tourism Major: At this EMU address, you find info about the Travel and Tourism Major at EMU. Maybe, you like to travel and makes this your job.
Learning Technologies at EMU: Handbook with information about Learning Technologies at EMU.
Deutsche Welle Watch German TV on the Internet or Surf for info about Satellite and shortwave radio programs in German, English, and Spanish. !
Beide sind in Lippe geboren.
Wer ist wer?
Wer macht was?
Der deutsche Bundeskanzler: Information about the German Bundeskanzler.
F.W. Steinmeier, Chef des Bundeskanzleramts. Information about the Head of the German Chancellery who went to school in Blomberg.
Europaparlament: Homepage of the European parliament.
Die Bands der neuen deutschen Welle.
Blomberg-Lippe: Homepage of my hometown Blomberg Summer Events: 1.) Vier-Abende-Marsch TV Blomberg + 2.) der Höhepunkt: alle 2 Jahre - Schützenfest, 425 Jahre ABS Altes Blomberger Schützenbataillon, and 3.) immer im September: Wilbaser Markt (Blomberg-Wilbasen - vor den Toren der Stadt) and 4.) im Oktober: The city-wide Kartoffelfest, a celebration of potato based dishes. -![]()
BSV: Soccer in Blomberg.
Handballworld: Die Welt des Handballs.
Deutscher Handballbund: Homepage of the German Teamhandball Federation.
*Go to:
*German Teachers in Michigan:
NEW:Ethnic groups in Germany, Immigration, Emigration
Use Google to search the internet!